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she’s so obnoxious
她真令人难受  detail>>
 adj.  1.可憎的,讨厌的。 2.〔古语〕易受…的。 3.【法律】有责任的。 4.应受谴责的。  adv.&nbs...  detail>>
she is also so much that she is not
她也是那么重要又是那么不重要  detail>>
she is so pretty
她是如此的美丽  detail>>
she was oh so beautiful
她这么漂亮哦  detail>>
she was so thirsty
她渴极了,一口气喝光了两瓶牛奶。  detail>>
so she dances
于是她跳起舞  detail>>
so she fell in love
于是她爱上  detail>>
so she ran into the bedroom
她又逃向卧室  detail>>
and though she is so far away,
虽然她已离我很遥远  detail>>
but she smiled at me so sadly
但她笑着对我这么不幸  detail>>
she doesn’t run so fast as
她不如我跑得块  detail>>
she had so much to live for
她这么住  detail>>
so she took her love
她带着她的爱人 专注的凝视  detail>>
so she was trying everything and more
因此她一次又一次的尝试  detail>>
what she bright so not to hide
她的眼中清澈透明毫无隐藏  detail>>
why is she looking so dejected
她为什么神情如此沮丧  detail>>
but the hope she once had… so unreal
但是她曾经希望的是那么的不真实  detail>>